
First Day Of School.

Dear diary, Today’s the day our lives changed.  Jonah - our biggest boy took the first step of his new solo adventure. It was only for an afternoon but boy was it difficult. We’re standing outside of his classroom door and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, I could feel the golf ball sized lump rising in my throat & the tears sting the corner of my eyes. I shook my head, looked down & saw Jonah’s beautiful beaming face. In that moment my tiny Four year old boy made me feel so reassured, he’d got this. His eyes were burning with determination, his smile oozed confidence & his tiny feet tip tapping impatiently in his new school shoes we’d chosen for comfort rather than style. He bounded into that classroom like he owned the joint. He darted from here to there, scanning each corner & finding comfort in the familiar surroundings he’d come to know on “Meet your teacher” days. He settled down on a table of cutting and sticking & was completely coo